
Show and Field News

  • CH Frantz-Rugerheim Diamonds Are 4Ever
    Winston receives Award of Merit at the 2012 GSPCA National Specialty Show in Phoenix, AZ. We are so proud of Winston for winning this special award.

    "Award of Merit" - Each year at the GSP National Specialty Show up to 10% of the dogs competing may be awarded an "Award of Merit". This year 5 dogs total were given this award.

    Sire: Ch Fieldfines Back in Action
    Dam: Ch Rugerheim's Big Spender
    Breeder: Allyson Frantz & Kristina Chandler
    Owner: Terry & Janet Chandler
    Handler: Terry Chandler

  • PVR’s Rugerheim Smokin Hellin places 4th in the Open Gun Dog at the 2011 GSPCA National Field Trial. Remmy is owned by Frank Alexander and was handled by Terry.

  • New Show Champion ! Rugerheim-Frantz Blingin Diamonds  finishes show Championship at the

  • CH Rugerheim's Ruff-N-Ready wins Open Gun Dog at the Sahuaro Brittany Club trial in Sunrise, AZ. 23 starters for a 4 point major. Rowdy is owned by Fred Lowry & Janet Chandler and was handled by Terry.